Laplace meets Cayley–Hamilton
Let f be a polynomial of degree k,(1) | f(A) | = bk TDkT - 1 + bk - 1 TDk - 1T - 1 + ··· + b1 TDT - 1 + b0 TT - 1 | |
= T [ bk Dk + bk - 1 Dk - 1 + ··· + b1 D + b0 I ] T - 1 | |||
= Tf(D)T - 1. | |||
=> p(D) = | p(1 ) | 0 | = 0n x n | |||
·. | ||||||
0 | p(n ) | |||||
the Cayley-Hamiltonin theorem: If p is the characteristic polynomial of a square matrix A ,then p (A) = 0, that is, A satisfies its own characteristic equation.
Example 1: Cayley-Hamilton theorem
Let p be the characteristic polynomial of A.
=> An + 1 = ( - 1)n + 1 [ bn - 1 An + ··· + b1 A2 + b0 A ]
Example 2: Powers of a matrix
If A - 1 exists, that is, if = 0 is not an eigenvalue of A => det A = p(0) = b0 0, it follows from (3) that
Proposition 1. If the radius of convergence of the power series (5) is r ( f can be expressed as (5) when z, | z | < r ), then the matrix series (6) converges if the spectral radius r (A) of A satisfies r (A) < r. (r(A) = max{| 1 | , ..., | n |}).
Since all the powers Ak, k n, can be written in terms of A0, A1, ..., An-1, it follows from (6) that
Note. If q() = 0, where q is a polynomial, it is not necessarily true that q(A) = 0. There exists a polynomial of minimal degree, called the minimal polynomial of A, such that m(A) = 0.
If the multiplicity of an eigenvalue i is bigger than one, we may also use the equations
f(A) | = ck Ak = ck TDkT - 1 = T [ ck diag (i k, ..., n k) ] T - 1 |
= T [ diag (ck i k, ..., ck n k) ] T -1 | |
= T diag (ck 1 k, ..., ck n k)T - 1 | |
= T diag (f (1 ), ..., f (n ))T - 1 | |
Below are my notes to the solution, I considered the idea after first being introduced to Caley-Hamilton while attending Swinburne University I spent about a week marinating in the idea and considerable time away from this plane of existence finding a solution.
Interestingly I also stumbled across an new way of solving partial fractions using only a matrix operation, more on this later!
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